Using you brain in a new way is the one thing that keeps humans growing. Without the logic and ability to think broader we would be no better than animal. IPhone app brain reactor is the only happy that truly puts you speed to test. You thinking speed is a frame rate of your mind. iPhone app brain reactor makes challenge between two people, you and a friend. You then test who is the faster thinker by pressing your button when the right answer appears. However let me rephrase incase you thought I meant the game was about questions and answers, it's about 10% questions and answers the rest are out of the box thinking, reflex test,math sum,shape matching, colour matching and all the other tricks that prove your brain speed. Whilst you may feel this is an easy game or boring, I would think again....after all we only review the best apps in freeiphonehub.
iPhone app brain reactor is being reviewed because it's my best app this week. It's had my girlfriend try to prove to me that she can think faster all week, leaving us laughing at eachother Everytime. Any app that leaves a long lasting impression is a good app, an app that makes a party laugh is a superb app.
The user interface of iPhone app brain reactor is simple. The screen is divided into two and has two buttons, these are the reactor buttons. When you think the answer is right you press your button, try press it before your opponent or you will loose the chance due to your slow brain speed. However the up side is that your opponent will often think they right and they actually wrong causing them to -1 point gaining you a space closer to being winner. Everytime someone gets it wring the laughs start.
Final Impressions: the fun think about brain reactor is that it doesn't get boring because there's always someone new to test it on. The laughs and thrills make me want to kick my iPhone against the wall, when this game traps
You and you loose don't get angry coz it's a very witty app leaving the expected unexpected.....you family will love this app it will always be an I've breaker at any party and will always comfort your boring moments. I would advise you to download this app then let us know what you think....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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