Last night I downloaded this app from installous. The other app store. I must say this app is very neat. It's compatible with all major blogging sites, making it easy for the nomad to keep his followers updated. Infact Im writing this review from the app to test it. The interface is really easy for beginners to use as well as for advanced users. Let mr define a little more. To send a blog it's as easy as sending an mms text to your blog.
To send an image you can send the camera roll pics or use the album pics. If you really want you can instantly send an pic using the in app camera. Talk about efficiency.
What's nice is that you can use text in many ways. For advanced users you can use HTML coding. And for beginners you just type as usual and set the fonts the way you want with features to change colour and size ect. Hyperlink your text , italic and bold you text and more.
The settings are well thought out.
Giving you more features than other blog apps.
Change your blog signature , photo scale and turn text expanded on. You instantly save your movies to YouTube account
, oh just a reminder. The camera roll means u can add movies and pics. Really usefull to many a bloggers. Add your facebook and twitter accounts to instantly publish to both as a feed. While this helps exposure of your blog and easy for family and friends to follows it's also a very powerful tool for bloggers interested in gaining traffic to their site. As social networks are a great form of getting huge amounts of traffic. The app allows you to add your blog signiture making it yours. Or to add you webpage ect.
You can also add a link to your images making it easy to advertise your images and for adsense or Adbrite accounts.
Align your image and change the text width and height or keep proportioned.
Final impression: BlogPress is an amazing app for bloggers giving them freedom to publish on the go. But this tool is not for just a blogger, webmasters that need to gain mobility abroad will find this app their new best friend. Post comments on this app if you currently running it, and share any hidden features I'm sure there are a couple ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Zen Dr,Dolphin Coast,South Africa
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