As you all know skype doesn’t allow you to make calls over 3G, this is due to service providers will loses to much money, as making DATA calls are much cheaper than standard call rates. So why must we wait for the service providers to allow data calls over skype and other leading VOIP providers. Now you may wonder what is VOIP-( voice over IP) this means calls over ip address. Meaning that you making data calls, don’t get confused with all this abbreviations. All you need to know is that we can make calls over 3g and free of charge provided you have a data plan on your network, if you don’t I advise you get a data bundle from your service provider, as it will cost more to just use standard data fees.
How to bypass skype requesting you to connect to a wireless network to make calls is easy: you need to get MObilesubstrate library that tricks apps into thinking you are on wifi but you are on 3G making it possible to use VOIP apps abroad. This crack will work for all VoIP apps not only skype,but fring aswel ect
Step 1: all you need to do is go to cydia and search for VoIPover3G.
Step 2: click in install on the top right, i have it installed so mine says modify, wait for the crack to finish before you close the app.
Step 3: go back to springboard and make free calls.
Note: this app will not show on springboard as it is just a crack that runs in the files library, no need to switch it on or anything, its all automatic.
Final Impression: this crack is the most usefull crack in cydia, whats nice is that its free, what you get from the app is a rock solid working app that never crashes your iphone or hangs up on calls, it really works well, it’s the 2nd app I install after I’ve jailbroken.
I cant find a fault with the perfect brushed up crack.
Here is a screen shot to show you that im not on wifi but can make 3g calls without an issue.
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