Compatible with all generations of iphone and ipod touches optimized for iphone 4 HD retina display. Real soccer 2011 will impress any long time fan of the soccer cups. This game will blow your mind on the iphone 4, really worth getting.
This games gameplay will be easy to catch on for beginners and intermediate players. However advanced players will need to play multiplayer, as no game would be more challenging than with your friend across the room with an iphone aswel.
On the left is a analog control and on the right lies a 3 button configuration with spint , passs and score, whilst the ball is in air gameplay the players will respond differently to these 3 button configuration, as well as gameplay in conner kicks these controls have different features, whats nice is that if you want to throw your ball inside after its been kick out you use the accelerometer to through in an forward and back motion of the wrists. Whats really impressive about the iphone 4 is that the screen is multi touch sensitive, so you can touch two buttons at the same time and the screen will read both touches, making your gameplay like a joystic if not so better as it’s a portable joystic.
Action shots and replays are nice to watch when your friend just lost a goal to you and he tries to skip the reply…..there is a sitemap of the field at top view between the two controls and out of the way, nice to keep safeguard and tabs on your opponent on the field. You can change the music track to your own ipod music so if the standard music gets boing just flick it.
From a critics point of view, I see some issue with the goals on how they are scored and how you cant control the keeper to block the goal, the computer makes the choice for you, so its like a luck kind of situation, the closer you get to the goal the easier it is to score. What would be nice to see in a update is to have the goal kick instantly slowed down and give you a view from a goalies point of view and give you time to choose where you “think” the ball will land, in the mean time the striker must choose his choice to score where in the box, this will form a better player relation and cause a hoax of guesses with a new way of thinking and how you read you opponent.
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