The iPhone is really a nice looking phone and aesthetically pleasing retina display. However without being able to customize every icon and and slide bar ect on springboard this phones user interface will eventually get boring. To overcome this we suggest you install winterboard from cydia. This app does support retina display themes and is well worth it, why , because it's free. Winterboard has countless themes you can choose from in cydia and your iPhone will change everyday, More than the seasons.
What's nice is that you are able to apply winterboard themes from your settings icon on springboard. So you don't have to go to the app to change a theme.
Final Impression: winterboard makes your iPhone like no other, making your own kind of icons are possible through SSH. I've seen people make each icon a face of them with different expressions haha. This app can be a little buggy depending on what exe you used to jailbreak. If you have any problems please feel free to email me and I will assist you.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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