It's BBM for the rest of us. Whatsapp is the best IM service for iPhone to blackberry and Symbian S60 devices. This app also supports android as it has a fast growing population amount the mobile community.

Whatsapp developers used the concept of integrating all the features iPhone has to offer , in terms of hardware, and let you communicate to your contacts via all sorts of media, to name a few you can use the gps to send your location to friends and family. Use the camera to send pics or video making the communication audio visual. Or simply just send a regular IM. The app can be used to record voice and send the clip over network. What makes the app unique is that the IM comes through via push notifications leaving a badge on your iPhone screen, pics,recording and video media all gets sent with push. However you have the option to turn off your push notifications via the app or settings.

Ok so the bottom line is that there are many other IM apps in the app store. Why do we choose whatsapp? Firstly the app has best coding making it fast over the network to send your media. Secondly the app is not only iPhone platform based so the other users of different phones like blackberry can communicate aswel. In general whatsapp has the fastest push and IM, my mate and I tested this app against a standard network SMS and whatsapp won the battle hand down.

Final Impressions: whatsapp is the best IM in the app store and will remain for a while. The community using whatsapp is growing larger everyday, I suggest you board the train. You will always feel as if your whatsapp is your primary SMS inbox, you might aswel replace the messages icon with whatsapp.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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