iLocalis app is for everybody that owns an iPhone. As you know that iPhones are highly targeted phones for sticky fingered people
Due to the price of the item. So what's the best advice I could give you? Install iLocalis from cydia and your iPhone will be protected even if the theif tries to put your phone off.
iLocalis uses the gps on the iPhone to track it's location. This app comes with a dameon crack. If your iPhone is put off during the Robbery it will automatically turn itself on so you can keep tracking the iPhone. Only problem is when you battery is dead that's it you gotta wait for the iPhone to get charged and you can charge again. So you properly thinking how do you track the iPhone? You have to find any kind of Internet connection and go to then insert user name and password. You are now tracking your iPhone. You can see your battery life from the Pc. You will be able to phone your theif from there and offer them a prize for finding your iPhone. You could ping through an SMS saying Please contact me ect. But your best option is to track where this persons house is from your internet connection. Yes this will take time to figure out. But no matter what they do to you app or phone they cannot stop you from tracking them. Unless they format your iPhone instantly. But then you could use other apps to track that process. However this blog post is about iLocalis. You can set how often your iPhone pings through it's location, so the more the ping is set to ping through fast the fart it kills your battery. My best option is to leave it to ping at 15min. Then if I do get my iPhone stolen I will run the panic mode on the internet connection making it ping through faster than any other app out there.
One may ask what else could this app be used for. Well best you use it for you family or kids to keep an eye on them, or use it to show relatives where you have been in realtime sharing your URL feed.
Final impression: iLocalis is a app for everyone that owns an iPhone. It will protect your asset and information on there. You can backup your iPhone from the Pc Internet browser. That's a bonus if you got really important docs saved. However one fault I find is that iLocalis needs an option to allow you to get SMS co-ordinates to another phone that you taking with you to track your robber. Take a weapon aswel just incase you need it. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:South Africa
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